Tuesday 22 November 2011

The struggles of educating about ASD and Aspergers

I dont know if anyone saw this article in The Nelson Mail on Monday.

The companies and people out there educating us really do have a tough job and like many are always understaffed and funded.

What I thought was very interesting in this article to though was the mention of how ASD/Aspergers can be 'the invisible disability' and the struggle some parents have with that, ie: people, families or friends not believing their child's diagnosis!

ARTICLE FROM NELSON MAIL http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/6005000/Need-for-autism-support-grows

Also just how stressful it can be, because of that. The article mentioned that Autism NZ could suggest places for counselling and support to help with the stress and grief that many are faced with.

I think putting support networks around yourself is so important. I know for myself I have now met alot of other parents with children with ASD/Aspergers and it makes the world of difference to be able to talk to someone who gets it. I dont have to explain myself, they just get it straight away. This is what I wanted to achieve through this medium, we have a support group for aspergers on facebook also and now have a few members who meet for a 'casual' coffee from time to time. We dont have agendas we just hang out and talk as parents, except for us the topic is different. But it feels so validating and supportive to talk to those who 'get it' and understand exactly what your going through.

I hope everyone is well and supported! If not please get in contact with us or any of the other agencies who have coffee groups etc going and start to meet some people who 'get it', it truly is so rewarding.

Cheers and take care Jo :>

Friday 16 September 2011

Autism Superstars and Awesome-tism

A friend from the Aspergers Support Group we have on facebook suggested this programme to watch. Its great check it out.http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00sf359

I love this, as dont even get me wrong, there are alot of challenges to overcome as parents and that can be overwhelming. But I dont want to live there. Personally I want to build on the amazing talents that my son does have!!! While we are integrating into a mainstream school, sometimes it baffles me that he is the one with special needs, being that really put under a microscope, all he doesnt get is social stuff and he has sensory issues that lead to meltdowns. Apart from that he has an amazing memory that I would pay money to have, learns so quickly and his understanding astounds me, but yes there are a few superficial things he is more challenged with.

You might be reading this and going, what, but what about the challenges - oh I get it about the challenges, I really do, I guess Im saying bridge the challenges by building up the negatives and build on the positives I say!!

My friend Jamie calls it Awesome-tism, as in he is all for focusing on the amazing things that children with ASD CAN DO and not all the things they CANT! Yes Jamie you made it onto my blog :>

Children with ASD have amazing talents, memory, skills, and focused areas of interest, lets build on it and go with from strength to strength, as parents we can bridge the gap of the negatives with home/school support!! and then still give them alot of happiness and contentment from their strengths, regardless of the severity.

Cheers JO :>

Wednesday 14 September 2011

TIPS For Autism

Just finished doing this course today (3 days).

Was a great course, education on ASD framed and tailor made for your child.

Kudos to the teachers, senco's, principals, teams and parents there as it is alot to give up 3 days to be there!

I learnt alot, gained alot and feel it gave amazing insight into Cayden and direct resources to be used at school now and into the future. I think this will strengthen his school journey even further.


Also great to see 'The Guards' there, and I LOVE the idea about a 'Dads' support group, that is awesome.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Facebook Aspergers Support Group

This is another page that Joelene and I thought might be cool to have set up for people:


Pop in and say hello and/or add yourself. We had a coffee meet up today, just casual, relaxed support for parents of children with Aspergers.

Cheers Jo :>

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Parent to Parent AGM at the Beachcomber tonight

Anyone going to the Parent to Parent AGM at the Beachcomber tonight 6:30pm. They have a couple of guest speakers, oh and drinks and nibbles!

Let me know and Ill meet cha there. Should be good to meet up with some more people and listen to the guest speakers.

Cheers JO

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Spectrum

Hi guys

I have a link to a free and very cool book called Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Spectrum. Fill out your details and get your book.


Hope all is well with everyone. Were good, enjoying this sunshine! and enjoying Cayden really settling in well at school now, Im over the moon to see him so happy. It was a doubtful start but with alot of persistence, information sharing and building a good relationship with the teachers and team at school, I feel he is now being understood and challenged all in the correct doses. Phew. Good work lil man too as he is such an amazing kid giving all these new things a go!!!

Jo :>

Thursday 18 August 2011

Introduce Yourself

I saw this suggestion from Lynda, and I thought great idea. So if you come on here, if you want to and feel comfortable to.......................... introduce yourself. Im Jo, I have a beautiful son who is 5yo, I have had a diagnosis of aspergers for 15 months, but knew before. I went through a series of not being believed, being sent here and there and everywhere and what feels like a hell of a ride finding people and resources and acceptance. I can honestly say that with the educational courses on parenting and autism that I have done (and that the amazing team of kind and caring people that work in this field) that life is a whole lot different after a year and a bit.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Sharing Resources

Im still building this site, any suggestions or information  you would like to see on here let me know. I want to cover the challenges of ASD, ie: food, behaviour, transitions to kindy or school, home schooling options, sensory issues, toileting and then provide direct links to people in Nelson specifically that can help with those things or websites or other resources also. I want to know who you found, how it was, how it helped, where they are, it might just make the difference for another family.

Ive been adding links, books and dvds that Ive found helpful. If you have any please put in the comment so I can add them to the links for everyone. ;>

Welcome to ASD Aspergers Support Group in Nelson

Welcome, to what I hope will be a very helpful tool for people in Nelson who have children on the ASD spectrum. I found during my ASD journey, as Im sure you have, that there is alot to learn and alot of resources to find so I wanted a place to share resources we find in Nelson. 

Also connecting with other parents and caregivers is invaluable, but it occurred to me that due to the very nature of ASD that parents and caregivers were not always able to meet face to face. So I wanted a way to have a connection and a way to be in contact with others on the ASD journey. The very act of being connected is a support! so welcome and I truly hope this helps!

Also a BIG thank you to Autism NZ - Nelson, they have been a fantastic support and wealth of knowledge (Viv and Jill you are fabulous you know), also Marion in Christchurch, and you guys all work so hard to get us together and help us with the information that we need.  Also Trish from ASD Plus, thank you it really did and has made a difference and turned our home life into a positive one!

Helpful Reading and DVDs - Google to find more info

  • All Cats Have Aspergers
  • Aspergers syndrome in the inclusive classroom - advice and strategies for teachers
  • Cowboy and Willis - Monica Holloway
  • First Steps in intervention with your child with autism: frameworks for communication
  • Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum
  • The Big Blue Book - Teaching Assistants Book
  • The Big Red Book - Helpful tips in the Classroom
  • The Land Before Time DVD's - Teaches about being 'different'
  • Tips for Toileting
  • Top Ten Tips: A survival guide for families with children on the Autism Spectrum
  • Transporters DVD - Teaches Emotions

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